Saturday 26 December 2020

Artel W: Hydrophilia - Syndicate "Streets on Fire"


Closing time was always colourful and exciting in the Neon District of Downtown Far Corfe...

Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk - that's all I seem to be interested in doing at the moment.

Artel W are one of those companies that just seem to be addictive, like once you see one of their miniatures that catches the eye, there's at least a dozen more that instantly become something that you just have to get your hands on.

Monday 21 December 2020

Trash Terrain: GENCORP Tower

Legitimate businessman, pillar of the community and all-round swell guy Bugsy Capone indulges the local media while his small and discreet cadre of bodyguards stand watch...

Everything and everyone seems to be about Cyberpunk at the moment, and I'm no exception, loving the combination of neon glare, shiny chrome cybernetics and grimy cityscapes for it all to play out against. There's also some amazing MDF terrain out there that adds a wonderful Brutalist aspect to the whole scene too and the mere sight of it makes my palms go sweaty.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Trash Terrain: Spaceport Landing Pad

Agents of a Rogue Trader rendevous with a pilot returning from an advance scouting mission atop a remote landing pad...

 A couple of months ago, my neighbour (who keeps on seeing my various projects being put out to dry in our shared back yard) asked me if I could use a circular metal tray that had been inside of his cooker and was now destined for the bin. I immediately thought of the landing pads that I had seen on sale from various companies and for various different prices, and wondered if it could be the basis of something similar.

We Print Miniatures - Wasteland Bounty Hunters & Competition...

The gang's all here - Wasteland Bounty Hunters pose for a rare group photo on the outskirts of the sprawl 3D printing is probably rightl...